One of the strategies used here in order to help you achieve your weight loss goals is prescription strength appetite suppressants. We use combinations of phentermine, topiramate, bupropion, naltrexone, and methyltetrahydrofolate.


Appetite suppressants help to minimize cravings for unhealthy foods while simultaneously teaching your body to remain satisfied and nourished throughout the day without overeating. These medications do not cause weight loss. They are prescribed to help you in reducing your caloric intake by reducing your hunger. Weight loss occurs when your caloric expenditure exceeds your caloric intake.


While taking prescription weight loss medications, it is important to begin making behavioral and lifestyle changes, such as increasing your amount of daily physical activity, in addition to developing healthy eating choices and reducing your caloric intake. It is also important to ensure your hormones are optimized in order to maintain metabolic processes.


Lipo-B Injection: Complex B Vitamins + Lipotropic amino acids: Choline, Methionine, and Inositol

Dubbed the “Weight Loss Shot” or “Skinny Shot”, this safe and effective injection helps burn fat, increase energy, lower stress and anxiety, restore mental clarity and memory loss, and decrease hunger. Shots can be taken safely once a week or as needed when your weight loss is at a standstill.


A lipotropic substance decreases the deposit, or speeds up the removal of fat within the liver. Lipotropic nutrients are a class of agents that plays an important role in the body’s use of fat. They enhance the liver and gallbladder’s role by decreasing fat deposits and by speeding up the metabolism and removal of fats. The liver is the key organ in the control of body fat. Even if you do everything right, if your liver is slow to process fats it will slow your weight loss.


The lipotropic portion of our Lipo B injections is composed of three amino acids: Choline, Methionine, and Inositol. They help your liver process fats at peak efficiency, making your weight loss easier to maintain. For these reasons, we recommend weekly Lipotropic injections to help you lose weight. In most cases, after just 4 weeks of injections, you will look and feel healthier.*


The different ingredients of this mixture are known to have the following attributes:


Aids in proper metabolism of fats and removal of fat from the liver

Provides an energy boost

Boosts your metabolism by helping to digest food

Speeds up thought processes and improves mood

Provides essential components for normal cell and brain function

Helps control cholesterol levels and gallstones

Helps emulsify cholesterol and detoxify amines

Helps keep skin tone healthy and nails strong

Promotes healthy hair growth

Helps transform carbohydrates into energy.

*Individual Results May Vary



At Sana Vida Wellness Center, we screen all our patients both medically and physically. With routine lab work and an appropriate physical exam we ensure that you receive the best weight loss advice possible. Our clinical testing is effective in diagnosing underlying kidney, heart, liver and thyroid, and hormone disease that may stand in the way of your weight loss goals. Our examinations are collectively used to diagnose certain medical conditions including diabetes, hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, kidney, and liver disease.


We are fully capable of treating or optimizing such conditions if necessary before starting your weight loss program. We also monitor the side effects and long term effects of medication that our patients are taking. In specific patients we may feel the need to further evaluate your heart function with an EKG. If an indication arises we may need to supplement your weight loss program with additional precautions. Read more..







As we grow older, our youthful hormone levels diminish which is a major part of the aging process. Unlike synthetic hormones, our bio-identical hormone replacement therapy allows for effective replacement of natural hormones while reducing the incidence of cancer, heart disease, bone loss, diabetes, diminished brain function, and loss of libido.

Our program provides all services and medications for one monthly annual fee. All fees may be reimbursed by your HSA or insurance carrier. We provide the paperwork needed to file your claims.


·         reduce the symptoms brought on by menopause and andropause

·         better sleep

·         increased libido and sexual performance

·         facilitation of weight loss

·         improved memory and mental function

·         increased lean muscle mass and decreased body fat

·         higher energy level with greater stamina

·         increased skin elasticity and fewer wrinkles

·         decreased effects of osteoporosis


Menopause and Estrogen Replacement

Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, defined as occurring 12 months after a woman’s last menstrual cycle.


Menopause is a natural biological process. The physical and emotional symptoms of menopause often range in severity, most of which can be successfully treated. Hormonal changes cause the physical symptoms of menopause, however women may often experience emotional symptoms also. Menopause doesn’t mean our quality of life has ended — we still have almost half of our life to live. Menopause does not have to affect our femininity or sexuality. Many women may find it liberating to stop worrying about periods. Even though menopause is not considered an illness, we encourage women to research bio-identical hormone replacement options for any symptoms of menopause.


Today treatment options range from lifestyle adjustments to hormone replacement therapy. Technically, you don’t become menopausal until one year from your final menstrual period. In the United States, this occurs on average at by age 51. The signs and symptoms of menopause, often appear before the one-year anniversary of your final period.


The signs and symptoms of menopause are usually enough for most women to determine they have begun going through the menopausal transition. We encourage women to have a simple blood test done which will check levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen (estradiol). As menopause occurs, FSH levels increase and estradiol levels decrease. Your practitioner may also recommend a blood test to determine your level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, because hypothyroidism can cause symptoms similar to those of menopause. Menopause itself requires no medical treatment. Instead, treatments focus on relieving your signs and symptoms and on preventing or lessening chronic conditions that may occur with aging.


Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone replacement therapy remains the most effective treatment option for relieving menopausal symptoms. Depending on lab results and personal and family medical history, a bio identical hormone replacement practitioner may be the expert for managing your menopausal symptoms.


Estrogen is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. There are three types of estrogen found in a female’s body, estrone, estradiol and estriol. The levels of all of these hormones fall dramatically at the onset of menopause. Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, bladder problems, difficulty concentrating and anxiety. With time, many of these symptoms may diminish. Unfortunately, disease processes such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s increase in the absence of estrogen. The rapid bone loss after menopause has been attributed to the decline in the production of estrogen, which is essential for bone growth. In addition, the loss of estrogen results in the development of heart disease, which is the number one killer of both men and women. Postmenopausal women on estrogen have a 70% decrease in mortality from heart disease. Estrogen has also been shown to lower total blood cholesterol and raises HDL, the good cholesterol. Not only does estrogen protect vessels of the heart, it also protects vessels of the brain and may protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Estrogen can protect women against many of the diseases of aging. Post menopausal women on estrogen typically feel better and stay healthier.


Unfortunately, most of the estrogen prescribed today is still in the form of a synthetic estrogen. Synthetic estrogen is not natural to the human body. The healthy trend these days is to avoid the synthetic estrogens and prescribe natural bio-identical estrogen. Human receptor sites were designed to accept natural estrogen and not a synthetic. A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine proved by meta analysis that long term use of synthetic estrogen increases the formation of breast cancer. In recent research trials, it has been shown that natural estrogen, when taken in conjunction with natural progesterone, protects against breast cancer similar to the way it protects against uterine cancer. Read more..


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